Good News: Chaoshang Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center Approved as a Key Research Base for Humanities and Social Science in Shantou

Time : 2023-03-17

The Shantou Federation of Social Sciences recently hosted a seminar at the Shantou Municipal Archives titled "Shantou Social Science Forum: Exploring the Shantou Practice of Chinese Way Modernization with High-Quality Development." The new key humanities and social science research bases for 2023 were announced during the seminar by the federation.

"Chaoshang Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Center" declared by Prof. Liang Qiang, dean of School of Business, which has been approved as a key research base for humanities and social science in Shantou. The federation's chairman Chen Xudong, awarded plaques to the approved research bases.


At the ceremony (the first on the left id Professor Hu Shaodong from School of Business Shantou University)