Zhongshan Overseas Returnees Entrepreneurship Association Visits School of Business for Discussion and Research

Time : 2024-06-17


The Zhongshan Overseas Returnees Entrepreneurship Association (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongshan  Association") recently visited the School of Business Shantou University for a research and discussion session.


Vice Dean Guo Gongxing warmly welcomed the delegation and provided a comprehensive overview of the School. He elaborated on the School's development history, international exchange and cooperation programs, talent cultivation strategies, faculty development initiatives, and notable achievements in teaching and research.


Following the introduction, Li Zuyi, Deputy Secretary-General of the Zhongshan Association, briefly introduced the association's background and development. Subsequently, association members shared their overseas learning experiences, entrepreneurial journeys, and current work endeavors.


ØThe ensuing discussions centered around potential collaborations in various areas, including:

ØInternational exchange and cooperation

ØCollaboration between universities and institutions

ØPart-time postgraduate education

ØIndustry-academia-research collaboration

ØInheritance and promotion of Chaoshan intangible cultural heritage


Both parties expressed a strong desire to explore further cooperation opportunities, particularly in student internships, employment, and part-time postgraduate education programs.


Following the meeting, the delegation toured the east campus, visiting key facilities such as the administrative and teaching building, library, student dormitories, and sports complex.