McGill Exchange Program Report

Time : 2016-10-24
Back to the last October, I was honored to have the opportunity to exchange in McGill University for one semester, and I have to say that I did learn a great lesson through this program!

First, being able to learn business terminologies and concepts in those case classes. As a third year student, I have always asked myself what I have learnt in school in my major and what do I want to do after graduation. Through McGill’s learning process, I feel like I have opened up the business knowledge bank that was hidden in my 3 years’ studying in Shantou University, as well as implementing models used to analyze the real business cases. Studying in McGill is challenging but rewarding.

Second, to learn to work under pressure. We had loads of team projects in McGill, basically meaning to analyze, brain storm, come up with strategies and put it into a PowerPoint presentation. During the project cracking, we came up with many ideas and did an abundant of research to get to a final decision. Due to the limited business English practicing, I found it hard to deliver my thoughts and to represent those ideas in front of the audience. Faced much pressure, what I did is to learn to work under pressure, be prepared and practice more before the classes and discussions finally made sense.

Third, forming connections with people worldwide. As McGill is a famous international school, from the best of the best, it was a great opportunity to meet students and some teachers from different parts of the worlds. Through this exchange program I got the opportunity to connect with a lot of people from the same area of interest, as the world is internationalizing getting to know people around the world will come in handy! And it was amazing to make so many friends coming from diversified backgrounds.

Finally, I would like to thank Li ka-shing Foundation and the Business School for this precious opportunity and strong support. Thanks to this exchange program, I am aware of my shortcomings but also see the potential of development in the future. The McGill exchange program did not only broaden my horizons but also deepen my understanding of the future career path. This is a good start for the pursuit of myself.
By Guo Ping