Rare & Valuable Experience: STU's First Collaborative Internship Program with UBS

Time : 2010-12-01

The very first collaborative internship program between Shantou University Business School and UBS was established during the 2010 summer semester  break. Ms Zeng Wensha, a grade 2007 undergraduate majored in accounting, won the opportunity to work as an intern in UBS after a series of selective assessments.

Lasting from 16th August to 15th September, the program provided the opportunity for interns from a number of countries, including the US, UK, Canada, China etc., to work as peers in one of the top investment banks in the world. The practical experiences gained from the program, as well as the professional advices and insights provided by experts in the field of finance, has enhanced the interns’ understanding and knowledge regarding financial markets and the UBS. Allocated to the Ultra-high-net-worth individual team under Wealth Management Department to assist the client consultants, Ms Zeng was able to obtain high-end knowledge in the financial field. During the internship, Ms Zeng showed great sense of responsibility, ability of independent thinking and passion and willingness of learning. Her performance had impressed the supervisors and her teammates.

Abbreviated for United Bank of Switzerland, UBS was the product of the merger between the Union Bank of Switzerland and the Swiss Bank Corporation. Famous for providing first class private banking services, UBS is recognized as the largest financial institution in Europe, world’s largest bank for investment and asset management.



Translate: Seann Huang, for comments and/or complaints please email