Collaboration Between Schoo of Businessl's Associate Professor Liu Jiubing and School of Mathematics and Computer Science Professor Hao Zhifeng Results in Publication in IEEE TFS

Time : 2024-02-18

Recently, a research paper titled "Models and Algorithms for Optimizing Thresholds in Fuzzy Representation-Based Three-Way Decision" was published in the top-tier journal in the field of artificial intelligence and fuzzy systems, "IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems" (IEEE TFS, a Chinese Academy of Sciences Tier 1 TOP journal, with an impact factor of 11.9). This work was a collaborative effort between Associate Professor Liu Jiubing of School of Business and Professor Hao Zhifeng from the School of Mathematics and Computer Science. Associate Professor Liu Jiubing is the first author while Professor Hao Zhifeng is the corresponding author. The paper also includes contributions from Master's student Huang Shutian, Professor Li Tianrui from Southwest Jiaotong University, Professor Liang Qiang from Shantou University, and Professor Li Huaxiong from Nanjing University. The research received funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Youth Project (grant number: 62106135) and the Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation's General Project (grant number: 2023A1515011390).