First Prize! Faculty and Student Team Achieves Another Remarkable Achievement in the 4th International Supply Chain Modeling Contest

Time : 2024-05-15

On May 12, 2024, the final of the 4th International Supply Chain Modeling Contest concluded successfully at Beijing Technology and Business University. An interdisciplinary student team led by our school performed outstandingly in this event, winning the national first prize.

The team, composed of Zeng Kexin, Chen Sihua, Li Dongying, Long Yanling from the 2021 Business Administration program, and Li Xinxuan from the 2021 Electronic and Computer Engineering program, won the first prize in the national finals of the undergraduate elite group. Their advisors, Professors Bu Xiangzhi and Zou Zongbao from our school, were awarded the Excellent Advisor Award, and the School of Business Shantou University received the Best Organizational School Award.