期刊论文: 1.Chen Rui, Xu Ting*, Guo Yanghan. 2024. Filtering a beauty justification: The effect of filtered selfies on preferences for hedonic versus utilitarian products. Marketing letters. online 2.Wu Tung-Ju, Xu Ting, Li Qian-qian*, Yuan Kuo-shu. 2020. “Touching with heart, reasoning by truth!” The impact of brand cues on mini-film advertising effect. International Journal of Advertising, 39(8), 1322-1350. 3.Xu Ting, Wu Tung-Ju, Li Qian-qian. 2018.The relationships between job stress and turnover intention among tour guide - the moderating role of emotion regulation. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 21(2), 409-418. 4.Wu Tung-Ju, Yuan Kuo-shu, Yen David C, Xu Ting. 2019. Building up resources in the relationship between work–family conflict and burnout among firefighters: Moderators of guanxi and emotion regulation strategies. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(3), 430-441. 5.Wu Tung-Ju, Yeh C-F, Xu Ting*. 2019. The relationship of emotion regulation, work engagement and spiritual leadership - a case of environmental service industry. Ekoloji, 28(107), 1281-1286. 6.Wu Tung-Ju, Xu Ting, Yeh C-F. 2019. Occupational resilience and organizational virtuous behaviors for the employees of eco-tourism industry - A view of occupational hope beliefs, Ekoloji, 28(107), 753-758.